Welcom again! Today we are talking about wiki services.

Wiki is a web technology used for collaborative publishing on the web. Wiki is a type of server software that allows you to work with data on a remote server on the Web. Users interact with the software through a web interface that lets them read, edit and publish content. 
At the user's level, a wiki is a website with an “Edit” button. Clicking the “Edit” button allows you to edit the current page and save it for other Internet users to see. 

How to use wiki in education.

More and more classrooms are now learning, creating, reading, and testing online. In order to keep up with our technologically demanding lifestyles, the traditional classroom is making way for such innovative tools as wiki. Not only is this an inexpensive way to manage your classroom, it’s also a fun way to engage students in content across the curriculum. In a wiki site, students are free to create pages. And it is very convinient!


 WIKISPCES proves to be one of the best, highly reliable, easy to use and intuitive free wiki platforms to use as your wiki platform. 
WIKIA offers a more modern look, has more features and a vast fan base for attracting commercially active communities — Twilight fans, healthy food fans and alike. 
ZOHOWIKI provides state-of-the-art interface and functions for a modern corporate-inclined wiki. 
WIKISITE is a native WikiMedia-based free wiki hosting with limited features and resources. 
WIKIDOT offers free plans for wiki sites with advertising. 
I think you have found something useful for you! See you)


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