Hello! Today I've learnt some MOOC platforms for education. In today's post I want to tell you about these more details.
There are a number of good options for educators looking to build their own MOOCs. Here is a look at five of the most interesting platforms.
- MOODLE (The platform offers more than edX in terms of educational tools, analytics and SCORM compliance)
- VERSAL (FREE VERSION) (Versal is most suited to individuals who want to quickly build sleek tutorials)
To Canvas Network ‘open’ means:
- Open entry and open access. Open entry for learners around the globe and continual access to course content after the course end date.
- Open content. Open licensing options and content sharing to Canvas Commons where other instructors reuse, revise, remix, retain, and redistribute content.
- Open platform and ecosystem. Open platform to integrate and innovate with third-party tools.
- Open data. Open, de-identified Canvas Network data for researchers to analyze and synthesize.
- Platform neutrality. Your course. Your goals. Your way. We provide the platform for open innovation and experimentation.
Getting Started Is Easy
- Everyone is welcome
- Courses are open 24/7
- No application necessary
- Learn from the world's best professors and leading industry experts through captivating lectures and presentations
- Build knowledge and expertise with interactive labs, experiments, and assessments
- Connect with learners from around the globe in easy-to-use discussion forums
- Take courses on your own schedule — anytime, anywhere
Great Courses, Better Benefits
- Showcase your skills and knowledge to employers and prove you've mastered a class by earning a Verified Certificate
- Demonstrate advanced knowledge through innovative XSeries Programs in key fields and fascinating subjects
- Receive credit to put toward a college or university application, for professional development and kick-start your higher education
Every course on Coursera is taught by top instructors from the world’s best universities and educational institutions. Courses include recorded video lectures, auto-graded and peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums. When you complete a course, you’ll receive a sharable electronic Course Certificate.
- Online and open to everyone
- Learn a new skill in 4-6 weeks
- Priced at about $29-$99
- Earn a Course Certificate
If you want to master a specific career skill, consider joining a Specialization. You’ll complete a series of rigorous courses, tackle hands-on projects based on real business challenges, and earn a Specialization Certificate to share with your professional network and potential employers.
- Online and open to everyone
- Learn a new skill in 4-6 months
- Priced at $39-$79 per month
- Earn a Specialization Certificate
Online Degrees
Real career transformation sometimes requires a university-recognized degree. Coursera believes that transformation should be accessible to everyone, so we’ve worked with our university partners to offer flexible, affordable online degree programs in business, computer science, and data science.
- All online - admission required
- 1-3 years of study
- Currently priced at $15-$25,000
- Earn an accredited master’s degree
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