Hello everybody! Today we will discuss a very interesting topic. Have you ever heard what a QR code is? So, we will consider this issue and also I'll tell you about main principles of MALL.
Mobile learning supports, with the help of mobile devices, a continuous access to the learning process.
A form of distance education, mobile device educational technology at their convenience.
Mobile learning is convenient in that it is accessible from virtually anywhere.
MALL using become increasingly popular in educational sphere today.
Examples of mobile learning in education 1)offering mobile learning material, 2) interaction during lessons, 3)synchronous learning
As for advantages of M-learning
1)availability wherever (it is possible to lay in bed and watch a lecture whenever you want)
3)more content (videos and audios are things you can add with mobile learning)
4)working together from long distance.
As for disadvantages of M-learning
1)distractions( mobile devices can be a great distraction for participants
2)internet access ( not always we have connection with the Internet)
QR Code
A QR Code (it stands for "Quick Response") is a mobile phone readable bar code that can store website URL's, plain text, phone numbers, email addresses and pretty much any other alphanumeric data.

QR Code allows you to create either dynamic or static QR codes and download them for immediate use.They are very easy to generate. To create a QR code, you only need to copy and paste the address of a web page into your QR generating software. Once you have produced your code, you can then transfer it to your teaching resource, or simply leave it on the interactive whiteboard for students to scan in class.
QR Code in education
QR codes are becoming a popular tool in modern education. They combine speed, ease and novelty with the capacity to hold a large amount of data. e. g. quick access for students with ease to designated websites.
So, you can not only read and learn new information, but also you can practice or improve your knowledge of English in my post. Idioms are always fun and interesting. Knowledge of them enriches your speech. I suggest you follow the link. Hopefully you enjoy it!
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