
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2017


Hello everybody! Today we will discuss a very interesting topic. Have you ever heard what a QR code is? So, we will consider this issue and also I'll tell you about main principles of MALL . MALL Mobile learning supports, with the help of mobile devices, a continuous access to the learning process. A form of distance education, mobile device educational technology at their convenience. Mobile learning is convenient in that it is accessible from virtually anywhere. MALL using become increasingly popular in educational sphere today. Examples of mobile learning in education 1)offering mobile learning material, 2) interaction during lessons, 3)synchronous learning As for  advantages  of M-learning 1)availability wherever (it is possible to lay in bed and watch a lecture whenever you want) 2)motivation 3)more content (videos and audios are things you can add with mobile learning) 4)working together from long distance. As for  disadvantages  of M-le...


Hello! Today I've learnt some MOOC platforms for education. In today's post I want to tell you about these more details. There are a number of good options for educators looking to build their own MOOCs. Here is a look at five of the most interesting platforms. EDX  MOODLE  ( The platform offers more than edX in terms of educational tools, analytics and SCORM compliance) COURSESITES BY BLACKBOARD UDEMY (FREE VERSION) VERSAL (FREE VERSION)   (V ersal is most suited to individuals who want to quickly build sleek tutorials) Free Online Courses https://www.canvas.net/ To Canvas Network ‘open’ means: Open entry and open access.  Open entry for learners around the globe and continual access to course content after the course end date. Open content.  Open licensing options and content sharing to Canvas Commons where other instructors reuse, revise, remix, retain, and redistribute content. Open platfo...